Gheorg is the friendly robot designed to help children improve their resilience, emotional intelligence and wellbeing.
Gentle to Humans, Emotion & thought Organisation & Resilience Guide
Gheorg and Gheorg-e want to support children with diagnosable anxiety.
Our goal is to empower children with skills to improve their mental resilience, emotional awareness and social literacy skills. Gheorg makes it fun for kids to learn the skills and knowledge they need to understand their emotions and calm themselves when they’re feeling stressed.
Co-designed with kids, schools and experts
After a year of Beta Testing with schools, parents and kids, the Gheorg app launched in the second half of 2020.
During the Beta Testing period, 1,000+ children shared valuable feedback with us so we could make key improvements to the app.
These children helped the team to design our unique and loveable characters, and they showed us the importance of choosing your favourite outfit!
Rates of Childhood Anxiety around the World
We know the rates of anxiety across the world have steadily been increasing, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Below we share some key stats from research showing the rates of anxiety in some countries around the world.
We’re on a mission to reduce childhood anxiety everywhere.
Rates of Children’s Anxiety in Australia
According to a range of studies:
One in five children in Australia have high levels of anxiety.
At least 7% of children aged 8-12 years will receive a diagnosis of anxiety each year.
Children with anxiety are up to 8 times LESS likely to succeed in school and less likely to develop satisfying personal relationships with peers.
Children with anxiety are 50% less likely to complete high school.
Rates of Children’s Anxiety in the US
According to The State of Pediatric Mental Health in America 2023 Report:
16% of youth surveyed reported having at least one major depressive episode in the past year.
More than 2.7 million children and adolescents are living with severe major depression.
60% of youth with major depression receive no mental health treatment.
In 2023, there was just one available mental health provider for every 350 people.
Rates of Children’s Anxiety in the United Kingdom
According to the NHS Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 report:
20.3% of eight to 16-year-olds had a probable mental disorder in 2023.
Key Gheorg milestones while on a mission to reduce childhood anxiety around the world
Dr Louise Metcalf has the idea for a talking robot that helps kids feel calm and safe - which would later become Gheorg!
Selected for SheStarts 3 accelerator program for female founded startups
Pitched at PauseFest Startup Expo in Melbourne
Selected for Future Minds Accelerator for EdTech startups
Selected for Expara Virtech Singapore program
Awarded Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Grant from NSW Government Treasury
First Beta Release of Gheorg app in May
Launch of Gheorg app on Apple App Store and Google Play Store in September
Dr Louise featured on Life Skills 4 Kids podcast
Dr Louise featured on Chatabout Children podcast
Gheorg featured in Daily Telegraph - Sunday Telegraph
Gheorg reaches +1,000 downloads
Selected for SBE by Springboard Enterprises Life Science Program and the ANDHealth Digital Health Accelerator
Dr Louise featured on HealthTechX podcast, Talking HealthTech podcast, the Parenthood podcast (formerly Mum Life Podcast) and Beanstalk Mums podcast
Dr Louise published article in e27 and was interviewed by Balance the Grind
Dr Louise guest speaker on panel during Talking HealthTech Spring Summit - Coalface Creators: Allied Health Tech Founders
Gheorg launches Hope Ninja Parents Podcast
Dr Louise featured on Talking HealthTech ep 203 with advice for healthtech founders
Gheorg reaches +4,000 downloads in Q2
Dr Louise featured on Talking HealthTech Winter Summitt
Dr Louise featured on Talking HealthTech Podcast ep 313
Gheorg awarded funding from WA Government
Dr Louise featured on Startup Daily TV and SUDS podcast
Gheorg reaches +6,000 downloads in Q4
Gheorg reaches +8,000 downloads
Dr Louise featured at Child & Adolescent Mental Health Conference discussing how to Progress Mental Health Care for all Young People
Gheorg reaches +10,000 downloads expanding to over 1,260 cities globally
Gheorg USA office opened in Florida
Gheorg won the mentl Most Innovative Award in Dubai
Gheorg acknowledged as a Quarterfinalist in the The Digital Health Hub Foundation - Digital Health Awards
Gheorg was accepted into EdTech Estonia, opening doors to European markets
Gheorg accepted into Techstars Founder Catalyst Ignite Program on Childhood Development (top 1% of global applicants)
Gheorg accepted into the NVIDIA Innovation Program.
Version 2 of Gheorg coming soon!