About Dr Louise Metcalf, Gheorg Founder & CEO


Meet Gheorg’s Founder

Dr Louise Metcalf, Founder & CEO

Louise Metcalf is a Psychologist with almost 30 years of experience helping people create better lives and healthier brains.

Louise has worked in multiple sectors as a psychologist and has a keen interest in positive psychological change.

Louise values the way one individual person can make a difference, and has a strong interest in brain health and resilience.

After graduating with multiple Master degrees across multiple disciplines, and a PhD, Louise is a senior psychologist and a consultant for multiple health tech organisations and technologies. She has also worked with the United Nations on psychological health and natural environment.

After years of supporting children with anxiety and mental wellbeing, Louise had the idea for a robot that can help kids with their anxiety. Now launched in app form, Gheorg the friendly robot empowers children with emotional intelligence and mental wellbeing through check-ins and meditation exercises. 

Louise is also a proud Mum and a regular volunteer in her local community.


Expert Speaker on Mental Health

Louise is available for workshops, presentations and pitches about Gheorg and mental health outcomes.

With a wide range of speaking experience, Louise can break down complex science and therapies for any audience.

Previous speaker experience includes:

If you’re interested in getting Louise to speak at your next event, please get in touch here.


Learn more about Dr Louise Metcalf below through her interviews, articles and news


Supporting Parents & Kids to have more HOPE


After speaking to countless parents about their kids mental health, and their own mental health as parents, Gheorg’s founder and psychologist of 30 years Dr Louise Metcalf wanted to do something more to support parents in these challenging times.

Gheorg was created to support kids with anxiety. And to be able to support kids with their mental wellbeing, parents need to be aware of their mental health too.

During the Hope Ninja Parents podcast, Dr Louise Metcalf speaks with Gheorg’s Schools Program Manager and Mindset Coach, Cynthia Painter, about the importance of mental health, how hope can be a key tool for positive mental wellbeing, and practical strategies parents can use to improve their family's mental wellbeing. Mental health is a big topic!

Each episode, we’ll be diving into a new topic around mental health and sharing ideas that can support parents and kids with their mental wellbeing.



Try Gheorg for free

Backed by a team of health and education experts, Gheorg was created to assist children to manage their anxiety.
