5 Phrases that can help to calm an anxious child

Knowing how to calm ourselves when we’re stressed is a powerful asset. When we empower kids with this ability, everyday they can feel calmer, more confident, and more resilient knowing that when challenging times come, they know they will get through them.

Below we’ve shared a few phrases that parents, teachers and caregivers can use when trying to help an anxious child feel calm.

What phrases do you use when trying to calm an anxious child?

1. “We’ll get through this together.”

2. “Let’s go to your happy place.”

3. “If your feelings were a colour, what colour would they be?”

4. “Let’s pick a cloud to relax on.”

5. “How can I help?”

We recommend always speaking to your child and seeking to understand their feelings. While we can try to make them feel better, sometimes they just want their feelings to be acknowledged so they can process them and move on. And sometimes they might need help from a psychologist.

Gheorg has been designed to support kids to become more aware of their mental health and learn strategies to help themselves feel calm.

In our FAQs we go through additional options for anxiety treatment and places you can go for help.

AnxietyLouise Metcalf